Abstract submission - Opens January 1st 2025

Instructions for Authors

The language of the meeting is English. All accepted abstracts for oral presentations (except of electronic posters) will be published (printed and online). Abstracts must not exceed 300 words (incl. references, excl. spaces, names of authors and abstract title). It is mandatory that the following headings are used when submitting abstracts:

• Introduction

• Material and Methods

• Results

• Conclusion

To increase the likelihood of acceptance, the abstract should capture the interest of the reviewers, be succinct, have a clear message and avoid phrases such as 'preliminary results' or 'results will be presented'. In considering which papers to accept for presentation at scientific meetings, the Program Committee favours original work, which has not already been published. Preference will be given to abstracts that contain details of the objectives, the materials and methods used, the key results, the conclusions and clinical application of the study. If this is a 'case report' or 'point of technique' please state this in the title. Remember if it falls into this category, it may be better submitted as a poster.

Submitting authors for oral and poster presentation must indicate a subject area for their abstract from the list below.

• Aesthetic

• Breast

• Burns

• Clinical outcome

• Craniofacial

• Education, training or assessment

• Hand

• Head and Neck

• Oncology

• Reconstructive

• Technology

• Wound Healing

• Lymphedema

• Gender reassingment surgery

• Atreficial Intelligence in Plastic Surgery

• Others

The Program Committee reserves the right to transfer any abstract to an alternative session if it considers this to be more appropriate. Copyright is assumed by EPSRC for publication of the abstracts on their website. This does not preclude publication of the results in the form of a paper elsewhere.

Once the paper has been received by the Secretariat, it will not be possible to make alterations to the paper or list of authors. An electronic acknowledgement will be sent on receipt of your abstract. If you do not receive this within five days of submitting the abstract, please contact the Congress Organisation Dr. Martin Knoz at martin.knoz@fnusa.cz

Papers submitted incorrectly will NOT be considered. Papers withdrawn from a meeting or not selected will not be automatically considered for the next Scientific Meeting, but may be resubmitted. All correspondence regarding an abstract will be with the designated presenting author of the paper/poster indicated on the online form. It is a requirement that all listed authors have agreed the final content of any submitted abstract.